Create a New Group

Learn what a Group is and how to create one to help organize your team

What is a Group?

A Group is a way to gather learners who should receive the same type of content. A company can break their employees into Groups based on teams, hierarchy within the organization, region, etc.  Click Here to learn how to manage group members.

Content added to a Group is only visible to Group Members. Sections can be created within a Group to divide up content and create a structure that meets your learners' needs. Use these links to learn how to Add Content to Groups and Organize Groups with Sections.

    Visual Guide 

    1. Select Users and Groups from the menu on the left of the screenUsers and Groups-2
    2. Under Users and Groups, select Groups
    3. Select the Create a New Group button to get started
      Groups Dash-1

    4. Add a Name for the Group
    5. Select Add Image to upload an image for the Group
      1. We recommend an image size of 2048x1152px or an aspect ratio of 16:9
      2. Images with a central focal point and limited text are most effective due to how the image is cropped at different screen sizes
    6. Add a Description for the Group
    7. Use the dropdown menu to choose the group's Visibility
      1. Public groups can be joined by any SparkLearn learner
      2. Private groups are only open to learners who are added by an owner or admin and are a good way to share exclusive information to specific members of your team
      3. Closed groups require permission to join. These are similar to a Private Group, but users can see them in the list of Groups and request to join. 
    Select Save to finish creating your new Group

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