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Create a New Flashcard

Learn what flashcards are and how to create them

What is a Flashcard?

A Flashcard is a two-sided piece of content that typically contains a term or idea on one side and a definition or description on the other. Flashcards can also have an image and can be related to articles.

Flashcards can stand alone or be related to a learning object in the authoring environment. If a flashcard is related to a learning object that has been added to a Course or Journey, it will only be visible within that Course or Journey and will not display as a stand-alone element in the application.

        Video Tutorials

        Visual Guide

        1. Select Content from the menu on the left of the screen
          Content Menu-1
        2. Under Content, select Flashcards
        3. Select the Create New Flashcard button to get startedFlashcard Menu-1
        4. Use the dropdown menu to choose the Language 
        5. Add a Title for your flashcard
        6. Add the text you want the learner to see on the Card Front
        7. Select the dropdown arrow to add an Image or more Text to the front of the cardCreate-Flashcard-Front
        8. Add the text you want to be revealed on the Card Back
        9. Optionally, select the dropdown arrow to add an Image or more Text to the backCreate-Flashcard-Back
        10. Add relevant Tags to help users find your flashcard
        11. Select the Topic you want the flashcard to fall under
        12. Choose Groups from the dropdown menu and select the Add to Group button
          1. If one or more groups are selected, only learners who belong to those groups will have access to the flashcard
          2. If no groups are selected, all learners will have access to the flashcard
        13. Under any added group(s), choose a Section from the dropdown menu or create a new one by entering a name that doesn't already exist in that group
        14. Choose the Difficulty level of your flashcardCreate-Flashcard-Settings
        15. Owners only: Select Promotion Options and check Promoted and/or Sticky to increase the visibility of content to your learners 
          1. Promoted - content appears in all users’ For You tab until they have completed it or the promotion is removed
          2. Sticky - content appears in the Trending tab on the learners' dashboard and at the top of group sections and tags
        16. Check Published to publish the flashcard
        17. Once you're finished, choose to Save or Preview the Flashcard


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