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Add Images in SparkLearn

Learn about the different ways you can add images to your content in SparkLearn

Why Add an Image?

Featured Images may be added to groups, journeys, courses and learning objects to give learners a preview of what the content is about as they explore. Images may also be added within content like articles, tips, and flashcards to add a photo, diagram, illustration, etc.  

You can add an image in one of four ways listed in the menu on the left:

  • Choose From Existing Images
  • Upload Image
  • Choose From Unsplash Images
  • Generate Image with AI

Once you've added an image, you'll be able to adjust the crop or focal point and edit the alternative text. Click here to learn more.

Choose from Existing Images

Images that have been added previously can be re-used at any time for other content.

  1. Browse existing images page by page, search for the file name, or use the filters to find a specific image
  2. Select the image you want to add and click Insert Selected

Upload Image

You can upload your own image. The image will remain in the system and can be reused in the future. 

  1. Select the Choose File button.
  2. Browse the files on your device and select the image you want to add
  3. Add Alternative Text, a short description of the image that is used by screen readers and helps make your content accessible. 

    Ex. "Big light up letters spelling out COFFEE sit on the balcony of a brick building"
  4. Select Upload

Choose from Unsplash Images

SparkLearn's integration with Unsplash allows you to search millions of royalty-free images and use them with no additional charge or licensing fees.

  1. Describe what image you are looking for in the search bar and click Search Unsplash

    Ex. "pouring coffee into mug"
  2. Browse the search results, select the image you want to add, and click Insert Selected

Generate Image with AI

You can use generative AI to create a unique image for your content. The image will be generated based on the prompt that you give, a statement telling the AI what you'd like to see. It can be written in plain English. See examples below. 

  1. Enter a prompt describing the image you want to see and click Generate
    • Try to be as specific as possible
    • Consider adding details like subject, location, style, or even feeling. 

      Ex. "A warm cup of coffee, sitting on a table next to a computer"
  2. If the generated image isn't what you're looking for, try adjusting the prompt or regenerating the image 
    • The more specific a prompt is, the more likely that the AI will generate similar images each time it's asked
    •  The more vague the prompt, the more randomness will be introduced into the process

      Ex. "A warm cup of coffee, sitting on a table next to a computer, in a sunny room"
    • Other example prompts:

      • A photo of a happy-looking woman working at a table using a tablet
      • An illustration of a chef in a restaurant kitchen making a pizza
      • A colorful outdoor scene of a lake with sailboats on the water
  3.  Once you've generated an image that you like, select Use Image


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