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  2. Subscription Management

Cancel Your SparkLearn Subscription

Learn how to cancel your subscription of SparkLearn

When you cancel your SparkLearn subscription, your account will remain active until the end of the current term.

  • For example, if you are billed monthly on the 1st and cancel your subscription on the 15th, SparkLearn will remain fully functional until the beginning of the next month.
  • If you decide to reinstate your subscription after cancelling, you can do so by using the manage your subscription section at the bottom of the SparkLearn website.

Once your cancellation is in effect, your team will be shut down and your content will no longer be accessible. We will retain your content for 30 days should you decide to reactivate.

Visual Guide

  1. Select "Manage Your Subscription" from the menu at the bottom of the SparkLearn website
  2. Enter your email and the one time password sent to that email address, then select Login
  3. In the Manage Subscriptions window, select the box with your subscription amount
  4. Select Cancel Subscription to cancel the renewal of your SparkLearn subscription
  5. If you would like, let us know why you are cancelling, then select Confirm Cancellation 


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