View and Edit Goals

Learn where to view your goals and how to edit them

What are Goals?

Goals measure your usage and performance to help you build good learning habits. Progress and completion are automatically tracked and updated based on your activity in the app. Goals have a default value but you are encouraged to set your own based on what you would like to achieve. 

Goal Detail graphs are also generated based on your progress toward your goals over time and the frequency in which you achieve them.

The four goals measure:

  • Items viewed this week
  • Items completed this week
  • Average test score this week
  • Courses completed this month

SparkLearn also lets you create custom goals with your own title and description to enable self-directed learning. Unlike measured goals, custom goals need to be manually updated by you. 

Video Tutorial

Visual Guide 

  1. Tap Me, located at the bottom-right of the toolbar  Me_icon-1
  2. Tap the Goals tab at the top of the screen
  3. Scroll through the goal cards to see how you are progressing toward your current goal
  4. Tap the Update Goal button on a goal card to edit

  5. Use the the keypad to enter in the new goal amount
  6. Tap Save to save your new goal amount

  7. Tap the View Goal Details button to view your Goal Details dashboard

  8. Scroll to review graphs detailing your progress towards your goals over time


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