User Roles

Get to know the different user roles in SparkLearn and what permissions each role has.

What are roles?

Roles are how users are categorized in SparkLearn based on how they need to use the system. Your role determines access to specific features and parts of the SparkLearn interface. 

The four different roles are:

  1. Learners – the end user for whom you are creating content for
    • Learners can use the desktop or mobile app to access their learning content
    • Content will be recommended to Learners based on their interests and activity

    • Learner activity will be used to create reports for the content team to monitor progress and make data-driven decisions
    • Unless they also have another role, Learners do not have access to the Content Management System (CMS)
  2. Content Managers – create and manage content 
    • Can structure content with Topics, Tags, Journeys, and Courses
    • Can author and edit content such as Learning Objects, Tips, Quizzes, Podcasts, etc.
    • Can upload documents and eLearning packages 
    • Can review and approve content submitted by Learners or Evaluators
    • Can add Users and organize them into Groups
    • Can view analytics and learner feedback
    • Can communicate with learners via email and push notifications
  3. Evaluators – can view reports, insights, and analytics on users and content
    • This role is perfect for managers and leaders interested in viewing learner progress who don't need to change the content directly.
    • Evaluators can create articles and submit them for review, but they need to be approved before being published
    • Evaluators are unable to add, edit, or remove users/content already in the system
  4. Owners – the user(s) in charge of an organization's version of SparkLearn
    • Usually, only one or two users in an organization have this role
    • Owners can add and edit users and content to the system in the same way that Content Managers can
    • Owners can also access additional settings such as theming and customization, integration configuration, and more.


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