SparkLearn® 3.11 Release Notes

July 2023

OpenAI Quiz Questions

Like the AI-generated tips and flashcards introduced earlier this year, OpenAI can now create quiz questions with multiple-choice answers based on an article. This speeds up and simplifies the authoring process and helps content managers evaluate their learner’s understanding of the information presented. Note: Using the OpenAI Integration leverages their API and is subject to their terms and conditions.

Text Editor Updates

We have upgraded the text editor in our Content Management interface. This powers up and improves the content editing and authoring experience by introducing more text formatting options inline, like headers, tables, lists, and more.

User Interface Enhancements

Many small but impactful improvements have been made to SparkLearn, like adding requested filter options for reports, showing descriptions when choosing Groups during onboarding, and fine-tuning fonts and iconography throughout the mobile app and desktop experience.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Integration

SparkLearn is now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace, a curated digital catalog where businesses can find, buy, and immediately start using software and services. For more information about SparkLearn and how to purchase it through AWS Marketplace, please visit

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Web App

  • Users with an Evaluator role have updated views and filtering options 
  • Custom user profile data can be synced with the agent profile in the LRS for reporting*
  • Adds a new customizable theme color for groups
  • Adds the ability for xAPI statement data to be encrypted before it is stored in the LRS
  • Google Forms can now be embedded within articles
  • Improves the UI for adding learning objects
  • Improves the selection process for groups and topics so that the descriptions for each are now visible
  • Improves the UI/UX on slideshows in articles
  • Improves the UI on popovers for glossary definitions
  • The account settings screen for changing goals, groups, or topics now use dedicated screens for users
  • Fixes an issue where just having an accordion in an article would trigger auto-completion immediately
  • Fixes an issue where long numbered lists on an article might exhibit alignment issues
  • Fixes an issue where content managers were able to adjust promotion/sticky options while editing a learning object within the course
  • Fixes an issue where an extraneous icon sometimes appeared on tags added to offline content
  • Hides the “Relations” field while creating/editing topics
  • Prompts are now removed if the associated Topic is removed
Web browsers no longer freeze when trying to view a glossary term that is split across multiple lines

Mobile App

  • Minor UI/UX improvements
  • [iOS] Background audio no longer pauses when launching SparkLearn
  • [Android] Tapping a tab icon on the app now pops users to the top screen
  • [Android] Fixes an issue on Pixel devices where disabling Bluetooth would cause a crash
  • [Android] Fixes an issue where links to external content would open in a small popup instead of providing a new browser view

Known Issues/Limitations

Web App

  • Content Manager user is not able to close the author browser modal if the user refreshes the screen after updating the author

  • User is navigated to different pages when edit link of a same low-rated article is clicked from two different pages

Mobile App

  • Navigation bar titles cannot be seen on iOS when text color is set to a light color