SparkLearn® 3.10 Release Notes

June 2023



Learning Journeys allows Content Managers to direct users through structured content. You can combine multiple courses, articles, web links, etc., under a Journey to allow for more customization of content layout and ordering. Use journeys to build a curriculum or help guide learners through a topic via sequenced content.


Give your users a one-stop location for company terms, jargon, and acronyms. Glossary terms can be directly linked from articles so learners can easily find definitions as they need them. Learners can also pull up the Glossary from their dashboard or search for a term.

Evaluator Role

A new user role has been added that allows users to see analytics about content and users within SparkLearn without granting the ability to edit content and users. The Evaluator role has updated views and filtering options and is perfect for managers and leaders that want to view learner data. 

YouTube Clips

Use YouTube clips to focus your learners on the critical points of a video. You can grab a 60-second clip from any YouTube video and add it to your article.

Embeddable Content

Now you can embed external materials and content directly within SparkLearn. Use an <iframe> to add materials from these sites (with more to come).

  • Microsoft Stream videos
  • Microsoft Forms 
  • YouTube Playlists
  • Google Maps

* This feature is only available to Premium and Enterprise customers. 

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Web App

  • Users with an Evaluator role have updated views and filtering options 
  • The button for submitting feedback on an article is now hidden until the learner upvotes or downvotes the article
  • Customizing labels has been made easier with prefilled text fields to allow users to see changes. Label order has also been better organized
  • Content Managers can filter learning objects by topic to find and update content more easily
  • Content Managers can now customize how many items are shown per page when viewing a content list
  • Content Managers can now filter out goal reminder notifications when viewing the list of recently sent push notifications
  • Users' preferred language can now be set while bulk importing users via CSV
  • Fixes an issue where ellipses at the end of a truncated description are shown in the expanded view

Mobile App

  • Fixes an issue where podcasts could not be replayed after they had been fully played
  • Fixes an issue where the app crashes if multiple tests are placed in one course
  • Fixes an issue where users cannot rewind or replay podcast episodes after fast-forwarding to the end
  • Various UI/UX improvements

Known Issues/Limitations

Web App

  • There is a typo in a prompt asking "Are you interested in Are your interested in this Topic?"

  • Content managers are given access to promotion options but only Owners should be able to set content as "sticky" or "promoted"

  • Journeys and Courses are not marked as complete if they were created with content that the learner has already completed

  • The learner is not able to click a glossary term if it is part of an annotation

Mobile App

  • Bluetooth changes may cause SparkLearn to crash on Android



Tips for Updating

To ensure that your application is kept up to date, make sure your iOS & Android auto-updates are turned on. We have provided links below to assist you with turning on this feature. There is no need to update the CMS, as that is done automatically. If you have a customized SparkLearn instance and need help with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

Apple iOS iPhone Help

Android Phone Help

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