SparkLearn® 3.6 Release Notes

October 2022


The SparkLearn® 3.6 release brings out user-suggested features for checklists, printing improvements, and content manager insights.


  • Checklists
    • Adds new persistence options for checklists allowing them to be used for daily tasks and for long-running tasks that learners can refer back to
    • Adds basic formatting options (bold, italic, link, etc.) to checklists
    • Adds the ability for articles to only be marked as complete when all checklists are complete
  • Printing
    • Improves the layout of printed articles
    • Reports an xAPI statement when articles are printed
  • Insights
    • Adds a new Insights tab on each learning object to provide greater details about how learners are interacting with that content

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Web App

  • Content managers attempting to reset their password while logged in will no longer see a nearly empty page
  • Fixes overlapping text on certificates

Mobile App

  • Performance improvements and bug fixes
  • Fixes an issue where topic names in the mobile app may display HTML entities

Known Issues / Limitations

Web App

  • The mail attribute is missing from the list of required attributes on the SSO configuration page
  • The podcast report page incorrectly shows a "Complete" tab
  • When using automatic group memberships, the user’s profile may not show a checkmark next to all groups where the user is a member
    • The user is a member of the group; only the section in the user profile is incorrect
    • Workaround: the profile should update correctly the next time the user logs in
  • The total number of articles in the library section on the dashboard page may not match with the total number of articles in the content section

Mobile App

  • The items in the title bar at the top of the screen sometimes appear off-centered


Tips for Updating

To ensure that your application is kept up to date, make sure your iOS & Android auto-updates are turned on. We have provided links below to assist you with turning on this feature. There is no need to update the CMS, as that is done automatically. If you have a customized SparkLearn® instance and need help with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support team.

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For help with anything, don't hesitate to reach out