Managing Access to Content – Examples

Learn how you can use different group member automation settings to give or restrict access to content

Within SparkLearn, access to content is based on the group(s) a user is a part of. The Group Member Automation feature allows you to create conditions in which users will be added to or removed from Groups automatically. By combining different conditions, you can stream line access to content based on role, region, activity and more. 

Before setting up automation, you will need to have groups to add the users to. Click here to learn how to create a new group.

View the examples below to see what conditions to create for...

  • Automatically assign content to new users
  • Requires users complete a course before getting access to additional content
  • Limit content visibility by region*
  • Restrict content to users with a specific role*

* Requires SSO to be enabled

Automatically assign content to new users

  1. Select your group
  2. Under Members, select the Automation tab
  3. Add a User Field condition
  4. Select the user profile trait Created from the first dropdown menu
  5. Set the second dropdown menu to after
  6. Enter the date in the value box
  7. Select Save

This will automatically add any users created after the date to the group for new users. This condition is useful for a New Employees group with onboarding documents and training materials.

Require users complete a course before getting access to additional content

  1. Select your group
  2. Under Members, select the Automation tab
  3. Add a Completion condition
  4. Type the Course title in the text field
  5. Select Save

This will automatically add users who have completed a specific course to the group that contains the additional content. This condition is great for content you want to deliver in stages.

Limit content visibility by region*

*This requires that your organization has SSO enabled and that one of the SAML attributes refers to the user's location/region.

  1. Select your group
  2. Under Members, select the Automation tab
  3. Add a SAML Attribute condition
  4. Enter the location based attribute in the first text field
  5. Set the dropdown menu to equals, contains, or matches
  6. Enter the specific location/region in the second text field

This will automatically add users who belong to the specified region to the group. This condition is useful for a group that contains region specific content only relevant to users from that area. 

Restrict content to users with a specific role*

* This requires that your organization has SSO enabled and that one of the SAML attributes refers to the user's job title/role

  1. Select your group
  2. Under Members, select the Automation tab
  3. Add a SAML Attribute condition
  4. Enter the role based attribute in the first text field
  5. Set the dropdown menu to equals, contains or matches
  6. Enter the specific job title/role in the second text field

This will automatically add users with the specified job title/role to the group. This condition is great for groups with content that trains users for a specific role. 


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