Manage Translated Content

Learn how to identify, check the status, edit, or delete translated content in the content management system


Content Translation will only be present if your tenant has localized features enabled. Contact your Account Representative for more information.

Identifying Translations

A Translation is a new version of an existing piece of content that has been translated into another language by a Content Manager. A single piece of content can have multiple language translations.

Translated content will be listed alongside its source content but can usually be distinguishable based on the title. If multiple translations have the same title, they can be differentiated by the Language column.

Visual Guide

  1. From the content dashboard, look for a certain translation using the Language dropdown menu and selecting Filter
  2. Select the Title of the content you want to view
  3. Select the Translations tab at the top of the screen
  4. View the Status for each language
    1. Not Translated – this content has no translations
    2. Not Published – the translation is a work-in-progress by the content manager and is not visible to learners
    3. Published – the translation is now available on SparkLearn and can be found in search results
  5. Use the dropdown menu under the Operations column and select Delete to permanently remove a translation
    1. You can only delete a translation that has no pending revisions

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