Interact with Different Content Types

Learn how to interact with the different types of content in SparkLearn

What types of content are in SparkLearn?

Video Tutorial

Courses and Journeys

Course is a collection of content that is structured for you to work through sequentially.
Journeys work in the same way Courses do, but are typically larger because they can contain Courses within them. Depending on how your version of SparkLearn is themed, they may be distinguished by color. 

Completing a Course or Journey can unlock badges and earn you certificates. They can also be assigned and given a specific due date.

The visual guide below shows screenshots of a Course, but the information can also be applied to interacting with a Journey.

  1. View a Course or Journey preview card to see its title, length, and due date if one has been set

    Course Preview-1
  2. Read the description then swipe to view the first piece of contentCourse Description-1
  3. Take any pre-tests to establish your prior knowledge of a  subject
  4. Read and interact with all of the pieces of content, including completing any checklists, and view your progress in the top left corner of the screen
    Completion Status-1
  5. Use the Next in navigation to progress through the Course or Journey

  6. Take any tests at the end to assess what you've learned
  7. The Course or Journey will be marked with a completion checkmark once all content has been finished and all tests have been passed.
  8. Assigned content will be moved to the completed section of the dashboard
Completed Course-1

Learning Objects

Learning Objects are the main type of content in SparkLearn and can contain a variety of media exploring a subject. Learning Objects can include text, video, links, documents, interactive elements, and more.

Multiple Learning Objects can be made into a Course or be presented as individual lessons.

  1. Browse Learning Objects on the Dashboard through Search or from your Bookmarks
  2. Tap on the information icon to see why this content is recommended to you and read the full description.

    Article Info
  3. Tap the title or featured image card to open a Learning Object
    Article Preview
  4. Scroll through to view the Learning Object's contents
    Article Open-1
  5. If your organization has a glossary, tap on any linked glossary terms to quickly view their definition

  6. Highlight sections and save Notes to refer back to
    Article Notes-2
  7. Explore interactive elements like slideshows, accordions, or hotspots

  8. Optionally, Share the Learning Object with others or Bookmark it for laterShare-2
  9. Leave Feedback on your experience at the end of the Learning Object
    Article Feedback-1
  10. If the learning object is part of a course, use the Next in Course navigation to continue to the next article
  11. The Learning Object will be marked with a completion checkmark in the top-left corner of the featured image card once it has been finished


Flashcards contain a small amount of information on a two-sided card and are used as an aid to learning.

  1. Browse Flashcards on the Dashboard, through Search, or from your Bookmarks
  2. Optionally, tap the Bookmark icon to come back to it laterFlashcard Browse
  3. View the front side of the card and tap the eye button to flip it overFlashcard Front
  4. View the back of the card and tap the back arrow to flip it over again
  5. Tap anywhere outside of the card or the close button to close the FlashcardFlashcard Front


Tips provide a small piece information for you to read.

  1. Browse Tips on the Dashboard through Search or from your Bookmarks
    Browse Tips
  2. Read the Tip
  3. Optionally, tap the Bookmark icon to come back to it laterTips


Quizzes are used to informally test your knowledge of a subject with a multiple choice question. 

  1. Browse Quizzes on the Dashboard through Search or from your Bookmarks

    Quiz Dashboard
  2. Read the question and tap on the answer you think is correctQuiz Question-1
  3. View your results, read the rationale

    Quiz Answer
  4. Tap Try Again if you didn't get the answer correct

    Quiz Incorrect-1

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