Understand how to Bookmark content and where to find your Bookmarks
What is a Bookmark?
A Bookmark helps users mark content they would like to revisit. When you bookmark a piece of content, it will get saved to your personal Bookmarks page.
You can bookmark the following content:
- Learning Objects
- Flashcards
- Tips
- Courses
Visual Guide – Bookmark Content
- Tap the empty Bookmark icon in the top-right corner of a card
- A card that has been bookmarked will be represented by a filled Bookmark icon
- You can undo a Bookmark by re-tapping on a filled bookmark icon
Visual Guide – Find your Bookmarks
- Select Me, located at the bottom-right of the toolbar in the mobile application
(the top of the page in the desktop experience) - Select Bookmarks to view content that you have bookmarked
- Scroll the Bookmarked content and select the title to view the content
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