Create a New Account

How to create a SparkLearn account and connect with your team


Creating an account is only available for accounts that have self-registration enabled.  If you already have an account through your employer, click here.

Visual Guide

  1. Swipe through the Welcome screens, then tap Get Started

  2. Enter your provided Team Name and tap the arrow to Continue
    Team Name-1
  3. Tap Create Account
  4. Enter your valid work email
  5. Choose a secure password and confirm it
  6. Add a profile picture (optional)
  7. Tap the arrow to Continue
  8. Access content that's relevant to you by tapping on Groups you'd like to join
    1. Use the arrow to expand/collapse a group's description
    2. Use the search bar to find a specific Group 
  9. Tap the arrow to Continue

  10. Personalize your recommendations by tapping on Topics you are interested in
    1. Tap the arrow next to a Topic to view its description 
    2. Use the search bar to find a specific Topic
    3. Choose Create Account

  11. Your submission will be reviewed, and you will receive login instructions in your email. 

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