Create a Translation with an XLF File

Learn how to request an XLF file of your content to send to a translation service and how to upload the translated file into SparkLearn

What is a Translation?

A Translation is a new version of an existing piece of content that has been translated into another language by a Content Manager. A single piece of content can have multiple language translations. Translations maintain their relationship to the original content, so certain fields will carry over and cannot be edited on a language-by-language basis, such as the topic or featured image.

If your content has significant regional differences beyond just language or different versions need different translators, cloning may be a better solution.
Click here to learn more.

Users only have to complete a piece of content in their preferred language. Once an article is completed, for example, all translations of that article are considered completed for the user.

Articles can be translated with an XLF file, as outlined below, or manually within SparkLearn. Click Here to learn how to translate articles manually.

Visual Guide – Create a Translation with an XLF File

  1. Select the Name of the piece of content you want to create a translation for
  2. Select Translations from the tabs at the top of the screen

  3. Use the table to view what languages the piece of content has been translated into under the Translation column
  4. Check the language(s) you want to translate, then select the Request Translation button to download an XLF file to send to a translation service or person
  5. Select the file link (here) in the green callout box to download the XLF file
  6. Send the XLF file to your translator
  7. Select a translation in progress from the Language section (indicated by an hourglass icon under the Status column)
  8. Under Provider Information, select Choose file and upload the translated XLF file
  9. Select the Import button to import the translated file
  10. Under Job Items, select the operation View/Review to view the translation
  11. Review the translation, make edits, and approve the translation

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