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Create a New Quiz

Learn what a Quiz is for and how to create one

What is a Quiz?

A Quiz is a multiple-choice question used to assess a learner's knowledge quickly. Multiple quiz questions can be combined to create a test.

Quizzes can stand alone or be related to a learning object in the authoring environment. If a quiz is related to a learning object that has been added to a Course, it will only be visible within that Course and will not be recommended on its own.  

There are two answer types available for quizzes 

  • Single Answer – Only one option is the correct answer and questions are submitted as soon as the learner makes a selection.
  • All that Apply – One or more options need to be selected to answer the question correctly and a Submit button is presented to select when they are ready.

You can also use OpenAI to generate a quiz based on existing content. Click here to learn more.

Video Tutorial

Visual Guide

  1. Select Content from the menu on the left of the screenContent Menu-1
  2. Under Content, select Quizzes
  3. Select the Create New Quiz button to get startedQuiz Menu – 1-1
  4. Use the dropdown menu to choose the Language 
  5. Choose the Answer Type for the quiz 

    1. Single Answer – Only one option is the correct answer, and the learners' response is graded as soon as they select an answer
    2. All That Apply One or more options need to be selected to answer the question correctly and a Submit button is presented to select when they are ready.
  6. Enter the quiz Question
  7. Fill out the first Quiz Option with a possible answer to your question
    1. Add optional feedback for the learner to receive after choosing this answer
    2. Check the box to mark this option as Correct
  8. Select Add Quiz Option and repeat Step 6 for the desired number of options
    1. Make sure your quiz has at least two options
    2. For Single Answer, make sure only one option is marked as Correct
    3. For All That Apply, make sure at least one option is marked as Correct.
  9. Add relevant Tags to help users find your quiz
  10. Select the Topic you want the quiz to fall under
  11. Choose Groups from the dropdown menu and select the Add to Group button
    1. If one or more groups are selected, only learners who belong to those groups will have access to the quiz
    2. If no groups are selected, all learners will have access to the quiz
  12. Under any added group(s), choose a Section from the dropdown menu or create a new one by entering a name that doesn't already exist in that group
  13. Choose the Difficulty level of your quizCreate-Flashcard-Settings
  14. Owners only: Select Promotion Options to increase the visibility of content to your learners
      1. Promoted - content appears in all users’ For You tab until they have completed it or the promotion is removed
      2. Sticky - content appears in the Trending tab on the learners' dashboard and at the top of group sections and tags
  15. Check Published to publish the quiz
  16. Once you're finished, choose to Save or Preview the quiz


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