Welcome CHART Members!

We approach workforce retention from the give them knowledge angle. We’re not a talent suite or a learning management system. SparkLearn does digital learning differently by enabling you to quickly empower your workforce. Our whole approach to learning is different with deep roots in user-centric design that gets your employees to strive, grow and stay. When you arrive at CHART 101, look for SparkLearn at the Resource Gallery Vendor Fair!


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Legit content. No product pushing.
The type of emails you actually look forward to.

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Here’s all the good stuff


Communications Hub

Your training tools live here, no matter how or when they were created. Videos, Podcasts, PDFs are in an accessible, easy to navigate and flexible spot for your training team and your workforce.


Recommendation Engine

Our robust engine offers adaptive learning and meaningful content for users so they can grow their skills and knowledge organically and at a pace that meets the organizational goals.


LMS Integration

Your existing systems can connect to SparkLearn enabling certifications and gamifying achievements. Let our easy interface provide access to your content library seamlessly.


LTOs and SOPs

Get the critical-to-me knowledge to your workforce through push notifications; keep them delivering brand standards through adaptive learning.


Answers to questions
right at your fingertips

What’s better than 1:1 in-person re-training? Putting your training tools in the hands of your workforce so they can source and answer their own questions on the spot.

SparkLearn gives you a platform to house recipes, best practices, SOPs, tutorials, check lists and brand standards where your workers access information most frequently – mobile devices.

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Adaptive Learning to get employees up to speed fast

The landscape has changed so much, so quickly, you need a reliable, secure and value-add partner keeping your diverse workforce engaged. Our Adaptive Learning approach efficiently assess where the user is along your training path and efficiently guides them to the next level, helping you invest in your most valuable asset—your team.


Crawl, Walk, Run to Get Your Learning Ecosystem from Pilot to Production


Get our free whitepaper on Next Generation Learning Experiences


What our customers say

"The forward-thinking platform by Sparklearn is a major advantage to our team that solves for our business needs."

"SparkLearn’s adaptive learning approach provides a user-centric content and communications hub that engages and empowers organic skill building. This feature moves the needle on employee retention by giving team members everything they need to grow, strive, and stay."


Got Questions?

What is SparkLearn

SparkLearn provides an innovative addition to modern learning ecosystems in a powerful, secure system that works well for learners on the go. It’s scalable for global enterprises, yet easy for microlearning newbies. Powerful analytics and insights keep you in the know.

Can I use SparkLearn on my phone?

Of course! The SparkLearn user interface and user experience is a mobile-first learning platform that offers responsive web access and also native applications for iOS and Android systems. The app offers offline content access and even allows you to rebrand the application to match your company’s look and feel.

How is SparkLearn Priced?

SparkLearn’s flexible pricing model is based on groups of users and not data storage or usage limits. We want you to use the system and feel comfortable putting it in the hands of your front-line workers. We offer discounts for large volumes of users and also for longer-term service agreements.

Do I get Support?

You bet. Every SparkLearn customer gets a dedicated private support contact and account manager so that you know your voice is heard. We’ll tailor the support program for your needs, taking care to set up a metrics program that enables you to measure the outcomes most important to you and your organization.

One tool for all your training needs.